How to sell an App appointments booking

Customers now prefer to book appointments via an app, because it’s much quicker and more convenient than calling on the phone! Plus, there are fewer scheduling errors with an app.

1. Identify potential customers

  • Hairdressers
  • Barbers
  • Beauty salons
  • Aesthetic salons
  • Spa treatments
  • Dental practice

2. Key features

To win over the customers we mentioned earlier, you need to know and master the key features to use for appointments booking apps. Here are the main features to use:

Appointments booking

This feature allows your customers to manage their appointment booking in their app. The “appointment booking” section is synchronized with your customer’s Google calendar. So as soon as an appointment is booked in your app, it’s visible in their Google calendar. Your customer receives an email informing them that an appointment has been booked in his app. The user, who chooses the day and time according to the criteria your customer has set, also receives a confirmation email. In addition, you can add multiple “appointment booking” sections to your app.

A complete content management system

The Dallas Passport CMS (content management system) is a useful tool for your customer, enabling them to present their catalog of services, the services they offer and their prices. Users then have all the information they need to choose the services best suited to their needs.

Loyalty program

A loyalty program can be set up within the app to boost business and reward the most loyal users, who will then be willing to leave a positive review following their visit to your customer’s establishment.

Form section

The contact form enables your customer to collect user requests and profile information. In this way, app users can suggest improvements, respond to surveys or make suggestions for services they’d like to see available in the future.

Push notifications

As a service provider, it’s very important for your customer to maintain contact with customers and prospects. With Dallas Passport, you can give them the opportunity to build a solid and diversified communication strategy: automatic, manual or even geolocalized push notifications, etc.… to communicate the right message, at the right time, in the right way.

About section

In addition to making appointments and presenting your services, the app is the ideal place to introduce yourself. The About section allows your customer to tell us more about themselves, their history, their know-how… To tell the story of who it is and make users want to choose it. Opt for a Contact section and a Map section to enable customers and future customers to contact your customer and find them easily.

3. Selling points

Better management of your schedule

The advantage of an app is that your customer no longer has to worry about making an appointment over the phone. As a result, they can focus on their core business and be more efficient. It also means fewer booking errors. Everything is automated and managed in the customer’s app, enabling better organization and more efficient work, with peace of mind.

A perfect customer experience

We have designed this feature with design and user experience at its core. It’s fluid and intuitive. It’s very easy for an app user to book a slot. They then receive an automatic confirmation email and can even cancel the appointment if necessary.

Managing several calendars in the app

If your customer offers different services that require different schedules, this is not a problem. You can add as many “appointment booking” sections to the application as you like.

Share customers’ reviews

Customers are the best asset: by sharing customer reviews in your app, your customer will be able to showcase their business and the quality of their work. It’s a way of strengthening the commitment of existing customers and gaining the trust of new ones.

Building loyalty

An in-app loyalty program can boost business and reward the most loyal customers with rewards, such as a free service.


The key argument for convincing your customer: their services are at users’ fingertips with a mobile app. Your brand image is thus reinforced, thanks to an app available on all types of support: the web, Android’s Google Play Store and Apple’s App Store.



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