Advanced APIs

Your work isn’t done after your customers have completed their transactions. Now start the logistic management of these transactions. Having a seamless process allows you to stay competitive, provide a great customer experience, therefore, building loyalty and driving conversions.

This is where our public APIs can help you unlock the power of automation. They enable you to leverage various technologies so you can improve cost-efficiency and customer experience.

The Benefits of APIs in Logistics

APIs are commonly used by companies to facilitate the seamless flow of information between their different suppliers or create automation between their departments.

We’ve already covered many of the benefits of using APIs in previous articles , including how to use them with your Facebook shop . Here’s a little reminder of some key advantages of using API integration in your Shopping App.

API Integrations Improve Operational Cost-Efficiency

It allows you to create automated workflows to eliminate the need to manually transfer data between software platforms — a task that is time-consuming, labor-intensive, and can lead to errors.

It also allows for more flexibility and customization.  You can set up your processes to exactly meet your business needs and make changes quickly.

API Integrations Improve Customer Experience

Nowadays, consumers are more and more exigent. With the constant use of smartphone, having pretty everything available to be purchased online, people expect almost instant gratification. No one wants to wait a long time for their online orders anymore. Thanks to API integration, you can process orders faster, plan better, avoid errors, and therefore provide a great customer experience.

Example of use of Dallas Passport public API for logistic management

These use cases are all examples from current clients. If you would like to use one of these examples on your Shopping App, please send a request to our support team. It will then be redirected to Service Plus that handles this type of request.)

1- Synchronization between 2 platforms

Here, the public API has been used to synchronize the catalog between 2

platforms. Our client, Scarpato (an Italian bakery)  already has a Woo Commerce website and needed a solution to manage the stocks between the 2 platforms. Thanks to the API, stocks and product details are now synchronized. The owner can now easily manage all their orders and stock levels without having to manually update the stocks on each platform. They gain precious time and avoid out-of-stock errors in fulfilling the orders.

2- Order printing (restaurant kitchen)

This is the perfect example of the use of API for restaurants. You can send information related to new orders directly to the thermal printers in your kitchen. Thanks to the public API, a connection is possible between 2 systems. The public API is in charge of recovering the data linked to an order, the software used by the restaurant to process them to manage the printing of tickets.

3- Slack Notifications

For Jacky, the owner of a local restaurant, le Chale , it was important to be quickly notified of every new order and be able to act on it quickly. The solution was to have his shopping app connected to Slack.

Each new order placed sends the information on a dedicated slack channel allowing the owner to have an almost instantaneous view of the orders. He can then, via the notification, have access to the back-office to

manage the order.

4 – Automation of orders extraction

For Central TD , an internal restaurant providing meals for the employees of a large company, efficiently managing the preparation of all the dishes is crucial. Their solution was the edition of several Excel files summarizing all the orders according to different criteria. For example, the type of dish, orders over a given period. This allows seamless management of the dishes to be prepared for the day and a better organization of stocks and less waste.


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