How to Pitch an App

1. Pitch a native app

What problem are we addressing?

Companies or associations of all types are convinced that they must be present on mobile to reach their audience. People spend more than 4 hours a day on their cell phone. There are more smartphones in the world than computers. In some countries, it is the only communication tool available for most of the population. Nevertheless, the world of mobile and especially of native apps is still obscure for most organizations. They know they need to be present on the stores, but they don’t know how to get there.

What is a native app?

A native app has been developed ‘natively’ in the programming language adapted to the smartphone’s operating system (iOS or Android). This app is downloaded to the end user’s smartphone. This allows to have more advanced functionalities and is perfectly integrated with the operating system. With Dallas Passport, you don’t have to worry about the technical side. Our platform automatically generates different native code for iOS and Android. Your apps are thus perfectly integrated into the technical environment of the smartphone, which guarantees performance and speed.

What are the advantages of having a native app for your clients?

As we’ve just mentioned, native apps are adapted to the technical environment of the smartphone and therefore allow to offer more functionalities. The user experience is much more fluid. The user doesn’t have to accept the RGPD popup every time they log in. Offline is possible as well as geolocation. But in addition to the technical features, having an app allows more performance for your clients. E-commerce apps, for example, convert 3 times more than mobile websites. A user who downloads an app on their smartphone is much more loyal than if they have to go to your website via their browser. On average, people use 10 apps regularly. If your client’s app is one of the 10 favorite apps of the end-user, it will have created a quality bond with that user. If your client doesn’t have an app, on the web they will be much more subject to competition. Every time a user wants their content and does a Google search they will have a chance to come across a competitor.

One of the biggest advantages of native apps is the ability to send push notifications. Push notifications are a formidable weapon for advertising and distribution of content. First of all, it isn’t very intrusive because the user has given their consent to receive pushes. Secondly, it allows sending directly in the app to the right place. The user sees it as a fun and efficient notification. And with a much more modern image than an SMS.

Speaking of image, even though it may seem secondary to some, having an app on the stores reinforces the credibility and modernity of your company. The investment in time and money is substantial to be accepted on the store. Of course, by using Dallas Passport, the cost is lowered and you receive assistance for the publication process. But, it’s not so easy to publish an app on the stores, and therefore your clients will be able to emphasize this asset in their communication.

Why make a demo?

Apart from the big, well-known apps (Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok…), it is also possible to talk about targeted apps for certain sectors. Indeed, if you work with clients who have a rather small area of influence, it’s not worth talking to them about apps that have billions of users. In fact, the easiest way is to download apps on your mobile. There are 2 ways: either you download apps from competitors and tell them that you can do the same thing for them. Or you show them your portfolio on your own mobile. For this, it’s better to already have apps from your clients. But even if you’re new to Dallas Passport, it’s easy to create and publish your agency’s app. This way you do double-up. You promote your agency by having your leads download the app. And then, you prove to them by A+B that you are great at creating apps.

Finally, in the spirit of the “Pitch”, the idea is to go straight to the point. What’s better than pulling out your smartphone in front of a stranger and saying, “I can do the same thing for your company in a few days..”

2. Pitch a PWA

Industry trends are changing rapidly… You may have started hearing about Progressive Web Apps more and more often, but you still haven’t taken the plunge. Don’t be afraid to evolve your offering to provide your clients with innovative and advantageous products that they may not have considered before. The scope of our features is an opportunity for you to rethink your offering and broaden your services.

Better than a native app?

The Progressive Web App serves as the perfect product to offer to leads who are less than convinced of their need for a mobile app. While it is technically an application, as far as the average eye is concerned, it leans more towards fulfilling the basic needs one usually prefers a website for, a few of which include :

  • No need to download

It’s very true that creating an app useful and valuable enough to a) get accepted by Apple and b) convince thousands of users to download, is not always a walk in the park.
We’re all aware of the increasing level of difficulty and consequential costs involved with getting an app into the App Store. Apple’s suggestion to create a web app for certain projects instead is coming up more and more frequently, and while it may not have been your original plan, there may be some method to their madness.
The bottom line is, the information your client wants to convey is valuable, but it’s not a given that his customers will deem it as download-worthy. They will, however, unarguably deem this information they’re seeking as Google search-worthy…

  • Indexable by search engines

The first thing a prospective diner will do when deciding whether or not to go to a restaurant is not to look for the restaurant’s menu by downloading its app, but rather through a simple Google search. As PWA’s are indexable by search engines, the user will find your client’s establishment quickly and painlessly without having to go the extra mile and download something they may not see the value in just yet.

Better than a mobile website?

Up until this point, you may be thinking that a PWA is more or less a mobile site, so what’s the real need? What can a PWA do that a mobile-friendly website can’t?

  • Saving onto the home screen
It’s now up to you and your client to make sure the PWA is worth revisiting. If you manage to do this, after visiting the web app on a regular basis, the user will see the value in saving it to the home screen of their device for easy access.
  • Works offline
Your PWA is independent of connectivity conditions, which means it can work offline. When supported by the browser, your PWA runs a script called the service worker in the background. Service workers provide for great user experience even under a low quality or even non existant internet connection. This is a huge bonus for many projects that may have users in situations with poor networks.
  • Push notifications

One of the most beloved features of native apps is the option to send push notifications, and with a PWA you don’t need to give this option up as you would with a normal website. As long as the user accepts, your clients can alert them of important happenings, such as sales, happy hour, unexpected closings–you name it.

We’re still waiting for Apple to enable this functionality in iOS; hopefully it won’t be much longer, but for the time being notifications are available in the following platforms :

From Web to Native App

Once the customer’s interest has been sparked and their trust has been gained, they can start to consider the native app option, to complete their brand’s digital presence if appropriate for their project. While the PWA provides almost everything that a native app does, a few additional features can be enjoyed, such as push notifications on iOS and being listed in the Google Play store and App Store.

PWA’s are still on the rise which means many people are not yet familiar with the concept, but being successfully able to convey the value and advantages this technology can bring can open a lot of doors for both you and your customer.


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